What should I wear to the Daintree rainforest?

The Daintree Rainforest is truly one of the best attractions in Queensland, bringing over 400, 000 visitors every year. Being a World Heritage Site, home to an astonishing range of flora and fauna. But what is the best outfit to wear while trekking through this thick greenery of the rainforest?


Walking is an unavoidable task in Daintree Rainforest, being very undeveloped with only a few roads and walking paths weaving about. Having a good pair of walking shoes is essential, as bringing a ratty pair or uncomfortable ones can leave you with large blisters and giving up the adventure earlier than needed. Choosing runners, hiking shoes or comfortable walking sandals is best, with all these able to get a grip when you scramble over rocks and through mud, as well as being the most comfortable shoes to wear for long walking periods.


The Daintree Rainforest is a tropical wonderland, so humidity and high heat are a given. The greenery is constantly wet, and continued walking through the rainforest will guarantee you to soak up with both sweat and the rainforest’s moisture. Choosing to wear lighter fabric can aid in any discomfort, as air can breeze through your clothes easier to cool you. However, instead of wearing singlets and shorts, both long pants and shirts are best. Due to the beaming sun which can lead to harsh sunburns, as well as harmful plants and animals which may latch onto your brushing arm or legs as you pass. Poisonous plants are scattered about the rainforest, with a simple brush of the hand giving you sharp pains for days. Animals such as leaches also jump at the slight of skin, grabbing onto the legs and arms of travellers if given the opportunity.

Lotions and Sprays

Give yourself some added protection against both the bugs and sunrays of the rainforest. Bring along a bag so you can pack a full bottle of sunscreen, with top ups regularly needed. The same goes for bug spray, with mosquitos, leeches, and other bugs can be avoided with regular sprays.

Food and Drinks

Drinking water is essential when you spend a day in the Daintree, with the humidity being so high dehydration is a common occurrence. Making sure you pack a full bottle of water for the day of trekking, as well as bringing along a couple of snacks to enjoy along the way. However, make sure you don’t leave behind any wrappings or leftover food, with the Daintree Rainforest’s phrase ‘leave it better than you found it’ an important rule to follow.

Visit Sightseeing Tours Australia to view the full range of Daintree Rainforest Tours.